Registered user since Tue 9 Jun 2020
Name:Joel Kuepper
Joel Kuepper studied Applied Computer Science in Germany with Hewlett-Packard from 2013–2019. He came into Australia at the start of 2020 to commence his PhD with focus on automatically optimising the performance of cryptographic implementations at the University of Adelaide. So far, his tool ‘CryptOpt’ can generate provable correct, side-channel secure implementations for ECC primitives which outperform off-the-shelf compilers significantly, and are on par with hand-written assembly code.
Affiliation:University of Adelaide
Personal website: https://researchers.adelaide.edu.au/profile/joel.kuepper
GitHub: https://github.com/dderjoel
Research interests:Optimisation, Low-Level Code, Assembly, Cryptography
ICSE 2023-profile
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