TechDebt 2023
Sun 14 - Mon 15 May 2023 Melbourne, Australia
co-located with ICSE 2023
Sun 14 May 2023
Mon 15 May 2023
TechDebt Industry Track
TechDebt Plenary
TechDebt Short Papers
TechDebt Technical Papers
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Sun 14 May

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Mon 15 May

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Call for Contributions

TechDebt is the premier venue for researchers and practitioners to discuss approaches for managing various types of Technical Debt, to share experiences and best practices. The all new Industry Track will foster an even deeper exchange between academia, industry and non-commercial organizations by inviting practitioners to share their experiences with other practitioners and the research community. Hence, the track will strongly focus on real-word experiences made by practitioners. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Problems caused by Technical Debt.
  • Approaches that helped to deal with Technical Debt.
  • Approaches that failed at dealing with Technical Debt.
  • Experiences with tools that help to deal with Technical Debt.

To ensure the relevance of presented topics, we explicitly discourage the submission of approaches, methods or tools that have not been applied in real-world situations for a sufficiently long time. However, we do encourage the submission of failure reports as these are of high value for researchers and practitioners.


Please submit an abstract of your presentation with at least 300 words. Presenters are expected to give in-person presentations at the conference in Melbourne, Australia. Presentation time will depend on the number of accepted submissions but is expected to be 20 to 30 minutes.

Submission link:


Relevance of the submissions will be evaluated by the track chairs in a short video call with the presenters. The following evaluation criteria will be considered:

  • The relevance of the topic to the conference.
  • The speaker’s expertise on the topic.
  • The potential for the presentation to stimulate discussion and debate and/or to generate new and innovative ideas.
