TechDebt 2023
Sun 14 - Mon 15 May 2023 Melbourne, Australia
co-located with ICSE 2023

0 results

People (22 results)
Hong Jin Kang

Hong Jin Kang


… Hi all(:

Currently a Postdoc@UCLA!

Formerly a PhD student at SMU …

Tim Menzies

Tim Menzies

North Carolina State University

… Full prof, ex-nurse,rocketman,taxi-driver,journalist (it all made sense at the time). …

Juri Di Rocco

Juri Di Rocco

University of L'Aquila

… research team with Alfonso Pierantonio and Davide Di Ruscio. I am interested in all

Events (1 results)

Titus Winters: Tech Debt Metaphors Aren’t Helping

Plenary When: Sun 14 May 2023 09:15 - 10:30

… want to consider whether a metaphorical name for this phenomenon is helpful at all. …

Attending Information (1 results)


… to consider whether a metaphorical name for this phenomenon is helpful at all.

**Titus … distinct engineers in a month. That unique scale and perspective has informed all

Tracks (3 results)

Technical Papers

… for the Technical Track (only). Therefore, all submissions to this track have to fulfill … to the state of the art? * Soundness: Are all claimed contributions supported …, reproducibility and replicability. While all submissions will undergo the same review …

Industry Track

… TechDebt is the premier venue for researchers and practitioners to discuss approaches for managing various types of Technical Debt, to share experiences and best practices. The all new Industry Track will foster an even deeper exchange …

Short Papers

… , and replicability. While all submissions will undergo the same review process independent … specified above (including all text, references, and figures). The purchase …