TechDebt 2023
Sun 14 - Mon 15 May 2023 Melbourne, Australia
co-located with ICSE 2023
Sun 14 May 2023 14:35 - 15:00 at Meeting Room 101 - Technical Debt Management

This paper presents a process for management of technical debt (TD) and how it can be integrated sustainably into the existing software development process in an industrial context. A holistic approach is pursued where the development team and the management team agree on a common understanding of TD. From this, requirements for the process are derived, which should support the medium- and long-term planning of the roadmap. By iteratively evaluating the technical debt in the context of the feature roadmap, an internal development benefit (debt repayment) can be combined with an external benefit (new features), while optimizing development costs at the same time. The first results illustrate the positive effect of the continuous repayment of technical debt.

Sun 14 May

Displayed time zone: Hobart change

13:45 - 15:15
Technical Debt ManagementTechnical Papers / Plenary at Meeting Room 101
Research paper
The Type to Take Out a Loan? A Study of Developer Personality and Technical Debt
Technical Papers
Lorenz Graf-Vlachy University of Stuttgart, Stefan Wagner University of Stuttgart
Research paper
Technical Debt Contagiousness Metrics for Measurement and Prioritization in Mechatronics
Technical Papers
Fandi Bi Technical University of Munich, Birgit Vogel-Heuser Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Fengmin Du ETH Zürich, Nils Hanich Technical University of Munich, Eunnuri Cho Technical University of Munich
How to introduce TD Management into a Software Development Process – A Practical Approach
Technical Papers
Markus Finke KUKA Deutschland, Thomas Neff KUKA Deutschland, Tobias Reichl KUKA Deutschland
Live Q&A
Open Q&A
